Code of Conduct for employees

We’re there for each other.

We developed our Code of Conduct jointly with our employees. Together we defined our shared values in interacting with one another, now and in the future, and in how we behave in our dealings outside the company. These are our convictions:

  • We’re a strong team.
    Open. Human. Approachable.

  • We respect one another.
    Fair. Honest. Reliable.
  • We’re confident.
    Creative. Bold. Professional.

Do you share our convictions?

Then come join our team. Our over 180 employees look forward to reinforcement.

Code of Conduct for suppliers

We share responsibility.

At IMR, we place high importance on environmental awareness and sustainable action. But it’s even more critical to us that human rights, labour and social standards as well as anti-discrimination and anti-corruption guidelines are observed in our daily work. Accordingly, we expect our suppliers and their subcontractors to likewise comply with applicable laws on internationally recognised environmental, social and corporate governance standards.
